Saturday, April 30, 2011

Recently, Facebook has been showing a lot more consistent friends list on the left hand side of every single profile. Those 10 friends that are listed there seem to be the people that you interact most with and the fact is, after several weeks of checking, I believe they are true. People that I mutually stalk, ie. they stalk me and I stalk them, each of us show up on the other's profile under those 10 friends. Similarly, on the people's profiles that I regularly stalk, I appear on that person's ten friends list. The facts about this go on and on, Facebook always tries to deny it, but the fact is, it seems scarily, but awesomely accurate. We will see if they keep expanding on this idea, wether they decide to make this public, or get rid of it all idea. Who knows, maybe it's just an experiment?

Let me know how you feel about this situation in the comments below!