Wednesday, May 13, 2009

iTunes Error 9808

Ever received this error while trying to access the good ol' App Store or the iTunes Music Store itself? Well, on Windows here is one solution that just might save you. (Read More)


Anonymous said...

thank you so much.... it works for vista

Mark Miyashita said...

no problem. glad i could help!

Anonymous said...

You fucken rule

Anonymous said...

yeah! thanks!!!! i can finally download This American Life podcast.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU SO MUCH! I was baffled and tried everything I thought, but this was so easy to fix! Thank you for posting this!

Anonymous said...

I was hoping this was the answer for me. It wasn't. Any other suggestons? I made the changes at the control panel for internet options and confirmed the setting in I.E.

I use Firefox, but if I can get it to work with Internet Explorer, I'd be happy!

Ben said...

i wanna donate!

Anonymous said...

I have Vista and it worked! Thank you!

D4m13nB3rry said...

1st try on vista Thank you sooooo much for putting up this easy fix for something so simple, to anybody else who didas i did to start with even if you use firefox or another web browser just open up IE for 1 minute while you do this and all will be right with the world again.

Anonymous said...

I was trying for two days before I read your post! You are AWESOME

Anonymous said...

thank you so much, i was getting frustrated!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, you are my hero. I've been trying to fix this for months! Yay! Totally worked on vista.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe it! This worked! You rock! I use Firefox and never use IE, but as soon as I opened and fixed IE (as one commenter suggested) it worked. Wild! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Wow works great thanks so much man. Your a genius.

Anonymous said...

cheers for posting

Anonymous said...

omg thnxs so much been tryin to fix this for ages then followed your advice which took like 2 mins and it was done!!!

Anonymous said...

GREAT!!! Thanks a lot!!! It works!!!

Anonymous said...

You're my saviour! I have been plagued by this error for months, and Apple tech support have been less than helpful. It works in Windows 7 pre-release(RC1 Build 7100). Finally I can update my iPhone from my OWN COMPUTER!

Anonymous said...

This was Awesome Thank you so much!!!

Worked perfect on Windows 7!

Anonymous said...

LITERALLY YOU JUST SAVED THE WORLD FROM GETTING BLOWN UP :D ive been dealing with this stupid code since like 10 last night. thank you

Unknown said...

I was getting sick and tired of taking my phones back to Best Buy to reactivate after software upgrades - THANK YOU!!!!

Skiju said...

Thank you so much, you ROCK

Anonymous said...

You are a complete star!! Thank you so much!! i was actually about to launch my lap top & Iphone out of the window!!! Thank you thank you thank you!

Unknown said...

Thank You! I was installing the new software and thought I was going to have to take it back to the Apple store.

Fudge said...

Thank you for your help. I am in Hawaii, and was helping a friend in KC, via Facebook chat. You saved us a lot of stress.


Anonymous said...

Buddy, you just saved a tired guy a lot of headaches at 12:30 am. Bless you mi compadre!

Johan said...

Thanks for the help. Had this same problem yesterday and the solution worked (Vista).

Anonymous said...

Works with Windows 7 Release Candidate too :D

Anonymous said...

this didn't work.... :( :(

Unknown said...

well done worked form me xp with ie8

Unknown said...

well done worked form me xp with ie8

Anonymous said...

hey bro u rock.... i called apple tech support and was trying everything for two hours... i was literally pulling my hair out and this worked on vista thanks U FUKEN ROCK

Anonymous said...

Thank you! I've been dealing with this error for months!!

Anonymous said...

thank you so so so so much! i was sooo pissed cause i just updated my iphone to the new stuff and it wouldnt let me even access it without itunes. you are a saint.

Brett said...


Jen said...

Oh my goodness. This saved me. I was freaking out because I couldn't do anything with my iPhone except for make 'emergency calls' after I did the 3.0 update. You rock! Thank you SO much for posting this.

Anonymous said...

This is Great!!!

Anonymous said...

It worked for me the first try. Thank you sooooo much.

Anonymous said...

not only did you fix my i-tunes but you fixed my quickbooks. thanks.

Draexo said...

This fixed my 9808 error after upgrading to IE 8 with Windows Vista 64.

Anonymous said...

You're my hero. Period.

Anonymous said...

thanks so much-
worked on win 7

Anonymous said...

i have been struggling for 2 days you are a gem...this worked a treat

Anonymous said...

didn't work for me do u have another suggestions?

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much!!! You saved my phone!!!

Anonymous said...

THANKS! Works with Vista and IE8.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much! I just spent the last hour trying to get the 9808 error figured out following what others had posted and this is the one that finally work! Thank you!!

Anonymous said...

thanks! it works!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I've been trying to do the security changes and everytime I uncheck the box and restart Int. Explorer, the check is back. I'm a tech idiot so I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I hit "Ok", then tried "apply", then tried "reset"...none of them make the change. My Iphone is also locked up and can't do anything since I plugged it in to update! HELP!!
P.S. Using Vista and trial of Nortons if that info helps! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Ahahah fuck yes thank you. This is now the top google result for "itunes error -9808" and it works great.

Anonymous said...

Hey thx a lot!
Also works for Windows 7 ^^

Anonymous said...

i had the same problem
Just delete the certificate that were active till yesterday (2 certificates in IE options) and start the connection again.
itunes deserve with 2 new certificates and it work fine now!

Anonymous said...

worked for me. first try. thanks

goatslegs said...

yeah, worked for me too! Wow, helped by a blog, cheers dude!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much! I had tried everything! Itunes online was hopeless!

Anonymous said...

Thanks! Works on Windows 7 64bit with IE8

Anonymous said...

thanks man, i use firefox, i opened ie and followed the instruyctions and viola problem solved!! thanks again

Anonymous said...

Mate you are an absolute lifesaver!!!

Afetr updating my iphone for the new 8.1 i tunes it screwed up and would only let me make emergancy calls and not do anything else!!

I have spent hours trying to fix it and it was as easy as this!! You should be given a knighthood good sir!!

Many thanks you are a damn lifesaver!"!

Anonymous said...

my internet explorer has crashed and am using google chrome. How do i get this fix to work?

Anonymous said...

Worked perfect...why can't they just tell you that on Apple website... goodness!

Anonymous said...

Thanks!! I was so clueless now I have no problems adding music to my cart. :)

Anonymous said...

thank you so much!!!

Anonymous said...

i don't know (or like) how this does work even if you never use IE. but if you uncheck it in IE, itunes works fine. thanks!

Ahmar said...

Cheers mate. You're a life saver. This helped me get my itunes store working after upgrading to windows 7 beta.

Anonymous said...

Thank you. I have Vista and it worked. Even though I use Firefox I went to IE and did the thing you said.

chloe said...

I have Vista and I was going into tools in Vista and trying to find that option: "Check for server certificate revocation (requires restart)" but its set up differently in vista. The only one I could find was "when a server requests my personal certificate:
a. select one automatically
b. ask me everytime

I tried selecting the automatic one and that didn't help.

I read about 30 msgs down your post and saw that someone said to try turning it off in I.E.

I haven't used internet explorer at all on this laptop, didnt even know I had it (silly), and I turned it off on I.E and it fucking worked!

Thank god!
So thanks to u ppl for replying to the post and giving more suggestions!
Cheers =]

Anonymous said...

Thank you sooo very much for this!

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU!!! I just got an IPhone yesterday and haven't been able to upload ANYTHING! I can't wait for my hubby to get home so I can gloat a little about being the one who fixed it. :)

Anonymous said...

Mine is doing the same as far as I uncheck, close the internet and reload IE and it comes right back. It did not fix my itunes problem probably because it keeps coming back. HELP!

Anonymous said...

mate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ur frigin awsome iv been putin up with this error for a year no kidin ur my saveyour your frigin awsome

Anonymous said...

you r the best! This worked for Vista.

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU!! Mine was already unchecked, but I checked it on, restarted IE, unchecked, restarted again and now iTunes is working. I'm so happy!

Anonymous said...

I have Vista and this worked...after hours and hours and hours of troubleshooting. Yippee! Thank you!!!

Anonymous said...

Dude- you rock sooo much! I've been trying for hours and couldn't solve it. Then i googled it and found this site! It worked- and i have vista too...:)

Greentea said...

Thanks! I'm using Vista, it's the same setting and it fixed this problem!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much!! I usually use Firefox, but I just opened Internet Explorer for a sec to change the settings and it worked perfectly!! Great work mate!

Unknown said...

cheers mate that is an amazing help!!

Unknown said...

You are a life Saver; I have been dealing with this problem for 4 weeks and no one at Rogers or Apple Tech were able to help; and you fixed the problem in 15 seconds.
Amazing, simply amazing, thank you very much.

By the way my operating system is Windows 7 and it worked. Apple and Rogers wanted me to install a new Operating System. What a bunch of jokers.

Thanks a million.

Anonymous said...

thank you so much!!!! it so worked (even with vista) i was so frustrated for a couple of months

Anonymous said...

Perfect! You're a genius!

Icy Joe said...

Had the same problem for the last 3 weeks, since loading I.E. 8. Found the blog (THANKFULLY!!!!)followed all direction Tools, I Options, etc to Advanced, scrolled down to find the box ...........unchecked!!? Problem still exists in the dark recesses of IE 8 brain. Thought I'd do something stupid like think this through. Checked box, closed out, rebooted, unchecked box rebooted, opened iTunes VOILA'. Worked like a charm at warpspeed. Something in IE 8 was the root cause. Feeling more mellow, Thank you!!

Marcel said...

Thank You! It worked! (I got vista, so yeah, it works with Vista)

Anonymous said...

Cheers mate, I've got vista and have been trying to fix this for a while. Legend.

Unknown said...

omg, thank you very much... i have been seeing that damn pop-up for a month now. I should of come here sooner... and i'm using vista, too... thank you, again

Renren said...

if it doesnt work make sure the box above it isnt checked either

Anonymous said...

thanks m8 your a life saver!

Anonymous said...

it actualy worked! lol i was just thinking it was a bunch of people saying it works to like promote a virus lol. thanks a hole bunch! it works lol dont believe me? do it!(if its broken)

Anonymous said...

Thank you!!!!

Anonymous said...

I helped my wife sort the problem by correcting the Date on her computer. I guess the mismatch with the iTunes server was a problem.
Thanks for the error message, Apple; really useful!

Nate said...

Sweeeeeeeeeeet! Thanks for posting this!

Anonymous said...

Soooooooo gooood, thanks! Made my day!!! You're great!!

Anonymous said...

thanks so much! ive been trying to solve this problem for like months and i can finally work my itunes again! thank you!

mark said...

hey i have vista and i uncheck the box and hit apply and ok then close and reopen internet explorer and its checked

Vishu said...

Works like a charm!!
thanks a ton man!

Anonymous said...

The same thing happened to me, i have vista, i unchecked the box and every time i restart it is checked again!! What am i doing wrong?

Unknown said...

i love you sir

Anonymous said...

thanks man! I had that error for a while! now i can update all my 30 apps from my pc!!!

Philip said...

Thanks for this! Worked first time! :D

Unknown said...

Thanks for this mate - after days of headbanging frustration this simple fix did the trick.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, been struggling for a while on getting this to work, It works in Windows 7.

Anonymous said...

Breaking Benjamin and I both thank you!!!

Anonymous said...

Tons of people have already said it, but thanks again!

Anonymous said...

Yes, it's apparent that unchecking the server revocation box works...many people from many different sites have had success BUT what can you do if you have a computer that automatically rechecks the box upon restarting? How do you get it to not automatically recheck?

Anonymous said...

YAY thank you! FINALLY!!!!!!! you should work for itunes they explain it soo much more complicated. Very appreciative right now

Unknown said...

Bloody awesome man! Fukin fantastic! It works for Vista! But you dont have to restart...just click apply! THANX MAN!Also worx for making accounts and signing in

Anonymous said...

u r a bloody legend

Anonymous said...

Mine doesnt work either because that the box we're suposed to uncheck, it also like others have said, re-checks itself when i close the settings because if i look at the settings again after having closed the settings, it has automatically checked itself again. , so i really don't know what to do, anyone got an solutions?

Anonymous said... saved me!I was freaking out there for a second.Thanks a bunch,I worked around the Japanese version of the vista even...

Anonymous said...

thank you! you save me! It works for Windows 7

Anonymous said...

Just one word: "Fantastic"
was on the brinks of throwing my iphone to the wall..

Unknown said...

thank you sooo much!

Anonymous said...

I did that and it seemed to fix half my problem. The other one is that everything in the istore looks like it is being displayed at its most basic level. No pictures or graphics, just a few blue words, boxes and question marks! HELP PLEASE!!!

FearlessGroup said...

WOW!!! It even works on Vis'turd' 64 bit! Great job and Thanks a million!!!

Brett Mifsud said...

Mate, Thank you so much! I have windows XP and it was unchecked already, i rechecked it then uncecked it again and now my ituenes ang google mail notification works properly! Cheers

Nithyanand said...

Thanks a lot. I was tearing up my hair wondering what was saved me from going bald!

Anonymous said...

Works on Windows 7 also, thank you!!!

Anonymous said...

As the last comment says; same same error message pops up with Windows 7 also and your solution fixed that up as well. Thank you very much.

Anonymous said...

Thanks a bunch

Anonymous said...

You seriously rule - I've been trying to figure this out for EVER!

Anonymous said...

I have been having this problem for months now. I found your information just today, and ouila my problem is fixed. Thank you so much.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much! you saved me! i appreciate it very much!!!!

Ratz said...

thx i worked

Anonymous said...

Works in windows 7 too!

Chuck05 said...

I try it in XP, but it didn't work.
I find a way, i still do the solution you mension, but i add something
I also Unchecked "Use SSL 3.0" (Tools > Internet Options. Then go to the last tab, Advanced, and scroll down to the Security section)

Anonymous said...

You're the shiznit!!!

Anonymous said...

thanks man. youre the best!

Anonymous said...

Didnt work for me!

Carlo said...

thanks m8, solved me quite a headache you did.

Natasha said...

It def. worked for me! Thanks so much for your advise!

Chris said...

Thank you very much!
I've been searching for a while to solve this issue.

Anonymous said...

your a good person

Anonymous said...

i tried unchecking it and restarted my computer, but then i went back to see if it was still unchecked, and it wasn't. i have windows vista..any help?

Anonymous said...

thank you ^.^

Anonymous said...

Have dealt with this error for months!! Went through EVERYTHING!!! and was about to take computer in and have it "fixed" as per apple help. Can finally use our Itunes again. You are def a HERO!!!

Michael Collins said...

God Bless you sir are what the intenet favorable

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much!!

Unknown said...

im sorry about this but wat if i dont have IE I have flock Wich is like mozilla?or firefox wat do i do?? my IE dont work it freezes everytime i enter it

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! I have been going crazy unistalling and reinstalling itunes for two weeks! i would bake you some cookies but no idea who you are.

Anonymous said...

wow thanks so much

MihneaS said...

Works perfectly also on win 7 professional. thanks a lot

rockbandit said...

you are a genius, thankyou

Waseem Anwar said...

thank you very much.....

Anonymous said...

thank you sooooooooooooooo much :)
helped a lot. appreciated.

Anonymous said...

Brilliant! Thanks a ton.

Anonymous said...

When I went in to Internet Explorer the box was already unchecked. I checked the box and restarted Internet Explorer. I then went back in to Internet Explorer, unchecked the box and restarted Internet Explorer once again and then the problem was solved.

Anonymous said...

Thankyou very much, homeshare wasnt working, it gave me '9808', i unchecked the box and now it works fine. Thanks :)

John Rigali said...

I also got the dreaded "An unknown error occurred (-9808)" message in the iTunes Store. Like the anonymous commenter of January 28, the "Check for server site revocation*" check box in my Internet Explorer was already unchecked. Like that commenter did, I checked the box, then exited Internet Explorer, then re-launched it, then unchecked the box, then exited again. Unlike that commenter, though, it failed to eliminate the problem. *sigh*

Anonymous said...

thanks man was starting to think my computer was screwed up. worked on vista fine

Anonymous said...

let me add to the list of thank yours - saved my daughter stuck in hull with new iphone that wouldn't work
thank you thank you thank you

Anonymous said...

You are my hero! I have been dying without the muic on my ipod from my favorite unknown artists that I only can get on itunes. Lol. : )

Unknown said...

Wow !!! It worked even on Windows Vista. I did not even have to restart before it worked.
Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

omg this problem has been happening for over 3 months...i luv u

Anonymous said...

At first I didn't think this would work because the box WAS ALREADY UNCHECKED. So I then checked the box, and still did not work. So, for some reason, I unchecked the box and gave it one last shot - SUCCESS! If you are stubborn enough to read through all these 150 comments and get to this one, TRY IT, IT WORKS! I was converting from Windows 7 to XP (beta key ran out) and I ran into this problem. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

yo tha man!

Anonymous said...

it also works on windows 7, you are a genius.
thank you

Anonymous said...


mjmercury23 said...

dude !!! ....... thnx a ton ;) ...... yu fckin rule \m/

Unknown said...

SWEET!! it works with WINDOWS 7 Ultimate too

Anonymous said...

thanx man appriciated working for vista!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much! U r the best :))

Anonymous said...

Ok so I must be the only person that this didnt work for. I checked the box, reset my computer and I still get the error. I never use IE, I alway use Firefox. Is there something I have to do in Firefox to get it to work? Thanks

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot! Works for W7!

Doctor of Love Show Podcast said...

DUDE, you ROCK! My itunes is working now!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank u !!! Thank u!!!! This was so simple to understand.

BTW, anonymous april 25, you must UNCHECKED the box, close internet explorer and then open the browser again. Then try sign in on itunes. That really works!!!! Thank u again!!! :)

LaMont said...

Works for Windows 7! Why can't this be available in Apple help. Why should i have to scour the web for such a simple solution. UGH! THANKS AGAIN!

mowem said...

Thanks! I'm using windows 7 and it worked for me! It was also stopping Google Chrome from syncing bookmarks, everything sorted now though!

Anonymous said...

Hey buddy, you are a LIFE SAVER! Both MSN and itunes were playing up and I had lost hope. Came here, did what you suggested and presto. Took less than 10 seconds. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

AWESOME!!! Worked great for the error for Itunes store and homesharing!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!stupid vista!!

Anonymous said...

well done, it worked for windows 7.............. glad i googled it!!

Anonymous said...

I'm running windows XP and IE 8.
I have gone into Tools>interned options>advanced>security.
The box next to "check for server revocation(requires restart)" is unchecked. My SSL 3.0 and TLS 1.0 options are checked.
Any suggestions??

Phillip Martin said...

Works on windows 7. Thanks!

Phillip Martin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

thanks a lot, this was awesome help

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much!

Anonymous said...

Thank you. That worked for me. Changing the IE settings and now I have my iPhone back. I really appreciate the assistance. Charles

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much!

Any ideas why my itunes worked a few days ago and then suddenly I got this message? When I did the adjustments it worked. Was the box suddenly checked? Thx

Anonymous said...

you just saved my life thankyou thankyou thankyou thankyou! tweet me!

Anonymous said...

Cheers man! I was tearing my hair out all last night trying to fix this as it had caused a crash on my iphone!

Awesome. :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much...I was about to freak out. It works for Windows 7 too,

Anonymous said...

thanks heaps mate!
i was freaking out for a bit there!

Anonymous said...

You are a life saver! I downloaded the new iphone 4 version and suddenly nothing was working, phone totally death......again thanks for your help!

codynunn said...

thanks alot for that brother. may seem simple for you but helped me alot. take care

Sam said...

Worked with Windows 7. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Awesome It fixed wow that was easy.. I wouldn't know how to fix it without ya

Anonymous said...

Oh my god. I've been having this Itunes Store problem for months, and when my iPhone update wouldn't work, I was almost reduced to tears. Who wants to spend all of that money at the Apple Store for an appointment?! When your solution worked, I ended up crying tears of joy! Thank you sooooo much! SO SO SO MUCH! :)

Anonymous said...

i might sound like a fool, but on my windows software, 7, i cant find the tools....

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your expertise. Without you I was not able to reload my genius playlists!

Anonymous said...

Worked on windows 7.. thanks

mohin said...

thank you man.

Anonymous said...

Nice one! saved my day

Anonymous said...

OMG! Thank you so mcuh!! :D

Anonymous said...

ttttttthhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaannnnnnnkkkkkkkkk yyyyyyyyoooooooooooouuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!

dumbartist said...

you rock dude! awesome!

Anonymous said...

You are awesome! you are the best!

Jesus said...

Thanks a lot from Spain. It works also for my Windows Vista + Chrome
You're great!